Originally Posted by CG
Im going to jump in on this post and ask a hinged seat question. Im having cover built for my panel that was to go on a hinged 68 seat. When I drug that seat out to get it ready I discovered its a 65 bench not a 68, oops.
I have several benches that are newer the newer non hinged version. I feel like I should be able to put my 68 style covers on them with no problem ... yes?
I think Ive seen a thread on making a non hinge seat hinge.
There are 2 seat styles, full foam (Deluxe) and partial foam. I think the covers are different for them. you might PM Grumpy if he doesn't jump in here....
This was posted by Frank...(PICKUMUP) in 2005.
Take a look at the catalog listings...these are for the deluxe thick foam only!
69-70 covers for 69-70 seats...
71-2 covers for 71-2 seats...
Nothing for 67-8... (this has probably changed since the original post)
You can't mix these up, because the seat frames are actually different and the covers are cut differently. The different slides were to match the delux or cheap model seats. Again, you can't mix them up.
Now, sometimes you can pay extra and get Houndstooth covers cut to fit the 69-79 (Remember they only came in 71-2 "Supers" or "Sierra Grandes").
Be real careful or you are going to have some seat covers for sale cheap that don't fit your truck.
Suggestion: Go get a 71-2 deluxe seat with thick foam and order the covers to fit it. I always suscribe to the "KISS" principle---keep it simple slick.
Note: Just for info...67-8 seats were designed to pivot forward, 69-72 with the two bolt sides were not.