Re: Help with Edelbrock 1406 install
Hook the vacuum advance to one of the two small ports on the front of the carb, that is what they are for.
Once you have things properly connected and the engine runs decent, fairly easy to get a rough idea of the distributor setup. You will need a tach, borrowed is fine.
For testing, set initial timing to zero, with vacuum advance disconnected and port plugged and idle set slow. Then connect the dizzy to the manifold vacuum port. Motor should speed up and timing advance. Read the advance. That will be your vacuum advance. Disconnect the dizzy and plug the port.
With the initial timing still at zero, slowly feed in more throttle. At some point, your timing will start to increase. Note the RPM. Keep adding throttle until advance quits increasing. Note this RPM. You now know when your mechanical starts to come in and when it is all in.
Reset your initial timing back to what the motor really wants and reconnect the dizzy to whatever port your motor likes best.