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Old 10-27-2019, 06:45 PM   #3
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Re: To Do lists, Frustrations, and Findings. What are yours?

To Do:
1.Get my new rocker panels put in (I’ve had the replacements for almost 20 years now)
2. Take the old bed wood out and install the new (which I cut and routed and finished myself, and ready to install).
3. “Wet Blast” the inside of the bed and paint everything.
4. Prep and paint the rest of the truck.
I’ve had my truck for 27+ years now and it was a real struggle to keep it a few times (I was active duty Army for 30 years), and had the truck in storage a couple times.
The thing standing in the way is, Im in the process of building a new house, and don’t have a shop to do all my work. The house will be done soon, then the shop goes up
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