Your tach is right. If it was "off" it would be off by a big factor (ie. configured for a different # of cylinders). As others have suggested, your speed might not be accurate. So you might be going faster than 60mph at that given RPM.
Assuming your 4th gear is a 1:1 ratio we'd be looking at the following:
RPM: 3100
Tires: 28.7" tall
Speed: 60mph
= Rear gears of: 4.41
Since they didn't make that gearset, my guess is you likely have a 4.11, and your MPH is off a bit.
If we set your rear gears at 4.11 instead, then at 3100 RPM you're actually going 64.43 MPH and not 60.
That's my guess anyway

Nothing to be concerned about really, but if you want to turn less RPM on the highway you might consider a gear change or an overdrive transmission. My vote is for an overdrive. You'll drop your RPMs ~30% doing that, versus gear changes where you'll go down about 300rpm going to 3.73. A 30% overdrive transmission you could keep your 4.11 gears and shave off over 900RPM at that same 64mph speed.
Hope this helps.