Re: Help Needed on Door Alignment Issue
The cab I fixed that had so much stuff rusted out already, I don't think there was anything else left to brace. But, I still wish I had triangular braced(what was left of) the b pillers to at least keep them where they were before I started.
I felt like that outer part of my B-Pillar rolled away from the door kind of like you pictured also on the passenger side. It lead me to re-cut and weld where I patched the lower part of the pillar to bring it away from the inner rocker and the clamp it to the inner rocker to try to pull the whole thing back in. I cut a pie shaped piece from the lower b-pillar and rewelded it. It looks from the picture of yours it could be moved back about a 16th also.
As I was doing all this patching. I was amazed how much stuff seemed to end up in tension from clamping a persuading to get things lined up. ESPECIALLY the cab corners. I thought when I did the 2nd one I had learned so much but still ended up having to cut and refit and push/pull/tack and clamp to make it look right. TA_C10 had some good pictures in his build thread of the things he had to do to his cab corners to make them work. I would direct you over there but most of his images are no longer working.