Thread: Dash issue
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Old 03-26-2020, 01:56 PM   #20
The Older Generation

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Re: Dash issue

Originally Posted by REDROCKER652002 View Post
This is a brand new setup from AAW, so no rust should be in there. I will check the fuse block again, but I thought I hit them all. Could it be a switch issue? I have a new ignition switch that I was thinking of trying. But I was thinking fuse too, because I swear that wire had power the last time I checked it

Stupid question, the bigger the number the smaller the wire, right? LOL.
I never had to think about this before. There is a thicker pink wire that plugs into the back of the switch, that has 12 volts. That one I could get to.

Thanks for the input, tomorrow is another day RR

Edited; Here is a link the what I have.


Yes, bigger the number smaller the wire.

I forgot you had the new wire loom.


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