Thread: Dash issue
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Old 03-26-2020, 05:45 PM   #21
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Re: Dash issue

OK, update. I get up after wracking this in my head all night. Gotta be a fuse, right? OK. So, I get up grab my coffee and tester in hand off I go. Open up the hood, connect the battery and start checking. All the darn fuses are doing what they should be doing in my mind. Power to both sides of the fuse. OK, well, I check the flasher to make sure it is in right, yep. All good. I unplugged the turn signal wire that connects to the dash harness last night, but did not this morning. Getting ready to pull the damn dash out for about the 100th time. What the heck, let's give it a shot. No way!!!!!! The damn lights are working now. Both left and right blinker lights on the dash are working. The lights outside are doing what they do. Are you freaking kidding me? I don't have any ideal why this is doing what it is doing, but I aint complaining.

So, why not tackle another issue that has been giving me problems. The dome light. I cannot get the new wire to feed thru the cab so I can get it run to the fuse box. OK. Hey now, clarity hits. My son put three point seat belts in. Maybe the bolt for the shoulder harness is stopping the wires from feeding. You guessed it, I take that bolt out, feed it thru and be damned if that don't work as well. spent part of the day running that and getting some wires taped and out of the way.

Now, is it just the lord our god smiling on an old man who was about ready to take a flamethrower to this old truck? Or am I just that good? LOL. I am guessing the first. But, either way, I can check that off the list of stuff that was driving me nuts.

Now? I am going to VEGAS!!!!!!!! LOL.

Thanks to all who chimed in, I appreciate the info and help

Now, it's time for a big ole BEER!!!!!!!!!!!

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