Thread: Dash issue
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Old 03-27-2020, 06:45 PM   #24
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Re: Dash issue

OK. So I decide to have a beer or three and deal with the issue late. That only works thru beer two. I go out and start fooling around. Pink wire to the dash still has no power, but signals and dash lights are working. So, I follow the wires to the next connection. Check that, both pink wires are cold OK, so at this point I start looking once again at the fuses. All seem to be ok. I try and follow the smaller pink wires to where they go, but I have everything neatly taped and tied up, so I don't want to mess that up. Oh well, beer is almost done and it is getting time to hang it up anyway. So, I just put the tester on the pink wire at the connection to the dash. No kidding, it has power now?????? WTF??????? I plug it all in, signals work, dash lights appear to be working and now the fuel gauge is reading as it is supposed to. I'll be damned if I have no idea why this is all happening, but I also be damned if I am going to mess with it. I put the dash back in, screw it down and say to myself, maybe I am just that good. LOL.

Anyway, I hope you all have gotten a kick out of my posts, cause I have enjoyed posting them. Now, it is off for my third beer and BBQ Tri tip on the menu.

Be safe all, and enjoy the ride. RR
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