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Old 04-10-2020, 09:59 AM   #2
The Older Generation

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Re: Need help with front signals, and tail lights...

Originally Posted by BrwnDevil View Post
I have a 71 GMC C15. I recently switched all my lighting over to LED.
I have installed two LED flashers, both are grounded...
My issue is that my front marker lights with led bulbs don't come on, when I switch back over to the normal filament style bulb they are very dim.
When I use the turn signal the LED bulb with flash once....if I wait a couple seconds and try it again I get the same result, with old style they work properly, but stay extremely dim.

The brake light/tail lights work properly until I turn the lights on then they do not blink, they just light up and stay bright, no flashing.

I have done my best to take a look at all the grounds, everything looks good.

I have read many many many previous posts about dim lights and lights not working correctly, but no one has seemed to have the issue I have.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.


Even though the older threads and posts may not have the exact same problem as yours the solution may be the same. Bad grounding. I won't say that this is the solution in every case but I bet it is in 90% of the weird electrical issue cases. Some problems can be in the headlight switch or turn signal switch but I would start with the grounds.

Read through this thread and make sure you have all of the factory ground straps listed and that all of the connection locations have bare metal contact.....

There are some good tips and suggestions all through the thread.


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Last edited by LockDoc; 04-10-2020 at 10:04 AM.
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