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Old 04-16-2020, 08:31 PM   #17
The Older Generation

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Re: 1969 c10 wont start

Originally Posted by Dads 70 long bed View Post
My 70 won't start.
I don't see any spark
I've pulled a plug, used the black side of my jumper cables to insure a good ground on the plug. Plus, I can lay it on the cowl and look for spark. Since I have no help. On the positive side of the coil I read 5.7vdc and zero on the negative. The run post on the starter reads 5.8 vdc. The points are .030 open and are new along with plugs, wires, coil, cap, rotor and condenser. I parked it to rebuild the carburetor and now she won't fire.
Any ideas?

.030 is way too much for the stock points. If they are set at .030 they probably are not closing so no spark. Set them at .019 if they are new.


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