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Old 04-20-2020, 09:51 AM   #2
The Older Generation

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Re: Ramp truck questions

Originally Posted by GR5 View Post
Hello Everyone,

I'm interested in building/buying a ramp truck to haul my vintage race car. I have a few rookie questions that I haven't been able to find an answer to.

Can I make a ramp truck out of a C20 or is that silly and I should really start with a C30?

Are all C30's duallys and alternatively, were C20's ever duallys? I'm assuming the answer to the second question is no, just making sure.

Did the C30's come in different wheel bases? If so I assume the longer wheelbase is preferred for a ramp truck?

I know these are novice questions, but I'm just getting started so I apologize.



Welcome to the board!

No apologies needed. All of us had to start at the bottom and work our way up.

Yes, you would need to start with a C30. There were actually a few single rear wheel C30's built but you don't see them much in the '67-'72 trucks. I am not 100% sure on the C20 Dually's so I will let someone else handle that question.

The dual rear wheel C30's came as 133" and 157" cab and chassis trucks. I don't know if any came longer than 157" or not. You would need the 157" wheel base for a ramp truck. There are pictures of them on the board if you type "ramp truck" into the Google search box above, click on the circle in front of "" and click on the Google button pictures and threads on them will come up. Make sure the thread you are reading is the years you are interested in.


Locksmith, Specializing In Antique Trucks, Automobiles, & Motorcycles

(My Dually Pickup Project Thread)

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