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Old 05-08-2020, 09:55 AM   #4
Killer Bee
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Re: Transfer case shifter arm boot orientation

yer going to be hard pressed to find someone that can swear to that level of detail on something where the functional difference is so insignificant and even the aesthetic difference is so slight.. also finding enough vehicles that are known to either have never had the boot removed or had the boot removed but know it to be the correct orientation..

dealer pictures, brochures, parts and service manuals may provide enough to draw a conclusion..

you might try Joesjunk, Keith Seymore, Chevyland?? or any of these guys with a dozen truck listed under their names

for what it's worth both of my suburbans are opposite of each other, or at least the white one looks like it's facing the other way.. but it's kinda mushy looking like it may not even be oe or an oe part so who knows.. and I certainly don't know enough history on these to swear either of them are factory oriented..

if I was to hazard a guess, since the lever leans forward in 2H, I would think the top of the boot would lean the same way so the lever is perpendicular to the hole, like my blue one..

good luck!

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