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Old 05-24-2020, 08:37 PM   #48
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Re: 1969 Blazer - 507 Light Blue

Originally Posted by lks dcvn View Post
Nice progress. Keep the pix of the progress coming!

For the torsion box install - any idea how much was cut out of them to line them up?

I will need to get a set in the future, but wasn't aware I would need to do that much massaging to get them to fit.

Any plans to coat the torsion boxes on the inside?
Thanks! There wasn't anything cut out of the torsion boxes length wise. The issue was that they curved up too much towards the b pillar. This is why that giant cut was made in them, so that the portion of the rocker box towards to b pillar could be moved down a bit to correctly line up with the mounting location under the bed. I don't think this modification has been required on all people replacing their torsion boxes. It could be that I got a bad set of repro boxes or the fact that the b pillar area on my blazer was spliced together from pieces belonging to three different blazers.

The plan is to undercoat the underside and the floor of the blazer tub in line-x. The underside with be the regular black coating and the floor colour-matched to the body. When the rocker box end caps are taken off it should provide sufficient access to spray line-x inside. This would all be after primer, etc.

EDIT: It was only the drivers side that required that modification to the torsion box. See passenger side below.
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1969 K5 Blazer - 507 Light Blue -

Last edited by harrisoncole4; 05-24-2020 at 09:30 PM.
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