Hey John, Fred, I mean Mark, my name is Tim and my buddy's is Jason and that was the Hard Times Brewery
Did you have to replace the fuel tank or remove and clean, I seem to remember before coming to Carlisle? The turpentine smell I think of as the good old gas. I never really noticed that with ethanol. I've had better luck with 10 year old gasoline than 10 month old ethanol. My thoughts go straight to the carb. Try running some Seafoam to fill the carb, let it sit. Put Seafoam in tank and start it up. I had this work for me.
Here's that story. My '71 wrecker had sat too long w/o running due to a no crank issue. By the time I got it to crank it wouldn't fire. Now this was a freshly rebuilt carb but I had run it, sitting, a couple times. I first did an ignition tune-up and coil because it was showing weak spark, but still wouldn't fire. I drain the tank and purge it with air pressure. I put a couple gallons of Cam2 in, perk it with air, drain, and purge again. Next I put 5 gallons of Cam2 in and it runs fine. I moved the truck around and drove it some. So theoretically the truck was ethanol-free.
A few months later I sell the truck, guy is on his way from Buffalo, and I want to do a farewell video. I do the whole walk around, under hood, get in and fire it up, I'm stating how well she runs, then comes "blub blub blubba sput sput sputter sput… CUT!!

I look under the hood real quick and that carb was like a fountain. Fuel running out of every seam it seemed. I'm thinking how the buyer came so far, will probably still want it, but will certainly hit me with a new lower number. Well, bad for him because I'd turn him back toward home and keep the truck before doing that. I really liked it!
I ran to town for a cheap inline filter and Seafoam. I filled the filter (big plastic kind) with Seafoam, coil wire off, cranked it into carb. I only had an hour or so before he would arrive. I waited as long as I could, with bottle of Seafoam in tank, cranked it over and it purred like a kitten. Drove it onto his trailer no problem.