06-01-2020, 09:52 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: San Ramon, CA
Posts: 248
Re: White Vinegar For Cleaning Parts
Originally Posted by 68Gold/white
My experience...
Simple Green works well on oily greasy stuff. Although not on excessively thick stuck on grease.
If you have a small dab of a greasy area. WD40 dissolves it much better than you'd think. IF you have like a cylinder head or other larger part, diesel cuts the grease, same as WD40. Diesel and WD40 are pretty close to the same thing. Although I'm thinking WD would be safer on your bare hands. I don't know what additives they put in diesel...
I can vouch for the above fixes, I work on School buses..
Another rust solution I have not tried...Is a plastic tub of some king with borax solution (water). Hang parts via metal wires into solution hanging from metal rod across container. Hang a metal rod into the solution (not touching the parts) with a wire.
here's where I am not sure. Hook up a battery charger to each metal piece. I believe the positive goes on the hanging rod... (anyone done this???). If it is wrong, you can switch them. This "unplates" the rust off the parts. sounds a little dangerous. Can't have kids around...
Lysol toilet bowl cleaner is a mild acid, phosphoric, I believe. I say mild, still don't get it on you. I use it for some things. Carb parts. BUT, and that's a big BUT, don't soak something in this stuff, it may do too good of a job....
I’ve used and use simple green and white vinegar. The other thing with the borax solution is electrolysis. I use that too. I learned of electrolysis on the garage journal forum. All the methods are good.