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Old 11-29-2020, 09:24 AM   #7
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Re: Keeping Mice Out.

My vehicle is stored in one of those car shelters. I have sealed it up pretty well but rodents could definitely get in. I have found evidence of them have a catering some of my storage boxes in the past. I now use a multi layered defense. In the corners and a half way down the sides I place the Decon rat poison little boxes. I place peppermint oil all along the outside edges and in the front and rear. I have also heard Irish Spring soap works so I break a few bars in half and scatter them under the vehicle. And then I placed a few bounce dryer sheets in the engine compartment and a few other places. I also will stick some steel wool in the exhaust pipes. In the last few years of doing this I have seen no evidence of rodents?

Last edited by Thealien; 11-29-2020 at 03:49 PM.
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