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Old 01-22-2021, 09:22 AM   #23
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Tucson AZ by way of WI & CA
Posts: 517
Re: So... I have this problem

Well profile does not provide a clue as to where you currently are located, so not sure if the new job is a town over or on the other side of the country. So based on that, i will provide my thoughts from a person that recently relocated from WI to AZ. #1, the space you have, is not going to be the same space you are getting. #2, the new area is going to take awhile (years) to get to know. #3, this may be an opportunity to reinvent yourself. #4, moving projects are not cheap. When we moved, it was a corporate move, so things happened quick and only certain stuff was being moved. I had to pay to move my projects. I thought the house i bought, with the 3 car attached garage, would afford me a space to work on my projects. I was wrong. The weather here only allows me a few month when i can enjoy my projects, but before i can i have to replace everything that cracked due to heat. PreCovid i had rented a shop near work, which allowed me convenience of popping over after work and getting a few things done, all the while leaving the mess someplace other than home. For the last year, I have been working from home, so popping over after work ain't happening. Long story short, if i could do it all over again, I would sell it all, before I moved and if I got the itch, I would buy something fairly complete. Your stuff, is only valuable to you and when you go, it goes.
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