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Old 01-23-2021, 02:37 AM   #13
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Location: Cortes Island, BC
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Re: '72 Chevy K-20 Frankentruck

So, the point of getting an 8' box 3/4 ton was that if I ever needed to haul a cord of wood, I could. Well, the wood pile was getting dangerously low & I needed to make that run. First step was to build the stake-sides - fortunately one of the farms on the island also has a mill, so I was able to buy the lumber without having to make a day trip and take a couple ferries. The neat part was that the farm was deep enough into the woods that I actually needed the 4x4 for the first time, for real, in order to make the trip.

Then the 2 ferry trip to "The Island" aka Vancouver Island and to meet up with a guy and transfer the cord of wood from his pickup to mine.

It was a solid 10hr day, but made it back safe and sound with only having to do one field repair - but that's another story.

Our first round of snow is about to hit us; I'm pretty stoked that Frank was able to fulfill his duties, and am looking forward to plowing through some snow!
'72 K-20 Frankentruck
'68 Beaumont Wagon
'05 Chevy G2500 Camper "Tiki Van"
'22 Honda CB500X Island-Hopper
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