Thread: New trend!!!
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Old 01-30-2021, 11:16 PM   #26
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Re: New trend!!!

Originally Posted by ChevyRacefan View Post
Meh, the dragg'n ass look is a fad, no different than the Gasser, Jack it to the sky and make that brick even worse Aero drag. Or the high jackers in the rear.
Seems many forget the fads their generation if not them ,themselves took part in that were just as stupid. none of it was safe, or legal. The dragg'n ass truck fad isn't my thing, but I see it for what it is, it is no different than the gasser look that made an aero brick even worse, the highjacker rear that killed handling and braking, the pro street cars that died as soon at the 10.5" racers made them look stupid.
Every generation has "their" thing they think is cool beans. I find it sad when older folks compain , forgetting the silly fads they followed. There was ricers (posers) long before the import crowd.
Have to respectfully disagree with you here ChevyRacefan. The Gassers were not built as a fad or a look. The stance had a purpose. In the late 50's - early 60's there were no wide or soft tires and the hot rodders could get more horsepower than any tire available at the time would handle. Jacking up the front (usually a straight axle) moved more of the weight distribution to the rear of the car enhancing traction. This look stayed until the wide ovals and slicks were available in the 60's. I know it works because my Gasser would still run 12 seconds on the tires off a Camray. :metal
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