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Old 02-22-2021, 09:17 PM   #52
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Re: Thoughts on keeping truck original or not

I like my stuff to be mostly original, especially on the exterior, but I liked the additions you have done. For my never ending project I wanted a stock 350 until I drove my brothers 70 GMC with one..screw miled out beater 98 Accord has 2x the power.

In that big truck of yours a 383 makes total sense, and taching it out on the highway at 75mph prob isn't fun with a Th350 either. 55 or 60 mph would be ok, but anyone who travels from city to city..who does 60 anymore?

Seeing a totally stock truck IS cool, can't argue there, but if one wants to use it a lot I understand the mods.

For your truck I would fix the rusted area and replace the trim, the 2 tones look great. Can always try and get some decent used stuff if you don't want to pony up for many people yank the trim off assembling a set can't be that hard.

Just my 2cents but your truck runs and drives and mine hasn't moved in the 16 years I have owned what do I know
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