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Old 04-10-2021, 09:03 PM   #1
Chevy nutcase
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Are these trucks worth it?

I figured I'd move my inquiries concerning value from the welcome area to here. Looking for input to help me spot if something is overpriced or if I'm the one that needs to dig deeper.
First two pics is the 71 I saw yesterday and test drove if you can call it that. The exterior looks to be worth every penny of his $5500 asking price but it barely ran and the structure under the cab and bed was barely there. He refused my $4500 offer and I'm kind of glad.
The blue truck is a 68 that looks to be in immaculate near original condition. I haven't seen it in person as his $10500 asking price is just about all I'd spend on a project. The body looks to need little attention, however he said the 327 in it is paired to a Chrysler transmission. I dont know why someone would do this. Wondering what you hardened pros think of these two
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