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Old 06-17-2021, 07:28 PM   #4
body bolt
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Re: I hate carburetors ...

The fuel pump is included. Everything is in the kit. I figure I can use one of the fittings on the EEC tank for a return. I guess some had also used a '72 sender which has another line.

Originally Posted by Big Kev-O View Post
The MSD Atomic 2 is nice but all of the throttle body EFI units will require you to install a fuel pump and most(if not all) require a fuel return line. This can bit a bit more complicated if your fuel tank is still in the cab. If your fuel tank is in the cab you will need modify you factory fuel sender. I had to add a 3/8" fuel pick up line to my factory sender and use the original pickup as a return. It was a PITA to braze/solder in the 3/8 line to the sender.

So plan on adding the cost of the new fuel pump. There are other solutions for fuel delivery but all cost extra $.

I am using the FiTech Go EFI 4 system and I love it. I rebuilt my Holley carb twice and couldn't get he truck to run smooth. After I installed the EFI my truck still did not run right. Turned out I had a huge intake gasket leak which is probably why I couldn't get my carb working. After I changed the gasket my truck ran better than ever with the EFI. Still glad I went with EFI.
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