Originally Posted by cericd
How did you find those NOS arm rests at a dealership? The dealerships near me won't even try to pull up old part numbers they just say to call LMC.
I have a system that I use. I research the part numbers for what I need to buy myself. Then I call a dealership that I know about and ask for the parts department. I then give them the part numbers and they run that number through their system. It then tells them what dealerships in the United States have that particular part (if any). This parts department employee then gives me the phone number of said dealership. I then call that particular dealerships parts department and tell them look up this number to see if they have it. They always do, and I end up ordering it from them over the phone and they ship it to me.
I do not allow lazy parts department employees to tell me that they are not going to look up or search for a part. This is their job that they signed up to do and that they are paid for. Whenever they have ever tried this I make them look it up anyway.