Thread: tuba trucks
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Old 07-25-2021, 09:52 AM   #666
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Re: tuba trucks

Originally Posted by Grizz1963 View Post
That is a very cool thing for you to be involved in Clem

At the end of the day, progress is progress as Ta2Don used to say, and Progress is inevitable

I am sure you will update us and the Tuba Trucks website as it unfolds.
[QUOTE=SixFiveJelly;8931301]Cool, I'll be interested in hearing how the conversion turns out. I'm a huge fan of these C10s and even though I have my preferences like everyone else, I can certainly appreciate lots of different takes on building one up. Super modern, completely stock, rat rod, patina, restomod... Whatever keeps them on the road! If being able to convert it to electric keeps it on the rolling and out of the junkyard, all the better.

Thanks Grizz and JB
Here is an update on the 63 GMC. 1st pic- Truck arrives to the Moment Motor's super clean workshop. 2nd- engine bay coated with talc powder and covered with little dots to make a 3D scan. 3rd pic- actual 3d scan. 4th- electric brake system. 5th- beginning of the motor conversion. I will get more pics and info as the guys at Moment Motor progress...
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