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Old 08-21-2021, 01:52 PM   #17
Greasey Harley
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Re: I burned up my 327

Originally Posted by Greasey Harley View Post
But it's got 9:1 compression, a steel crank, windage trays/baffles, 2.02 heads, etc. It should be little a bump in hp.
...also, it was free.
Upon closer inspection my free engine is an L48 with 8:1 compression, cast crank, and no baffles. It does have 2.02 heads but they are 76cc, and less than desirable.
New plan:
Heads off a 305 OMC boat motor (also free) with 65cc chambers, 1.72"/1.5 valves should bump compression to a fuzz over 9:1
.017" steel shim gasket (hanging on my shop wall), should yield .042 quench
Slightly used "RV" cam I have stashed away: duration 204 int./214 exh. lift 0.420 int./0.433 exh. LSA 112°
I'll bolt on my rochester 2-jet (Probably gonna need some bigger jets)
Everything bolted to the 327 is fairly fresh, so I will reuse all the accessories.
This combination should make a good little motor with plenty of torque for haulin' junk around town.
I will have to buy gaskets, seals, a timing chain, some degreaser and a can of orange paint.
It ain't what I was hopin' for, but it should be a decent runner ...And I can tell everyone "it's got a Corvette Motor"

I cut the 327's oil filter open, there was a lot of metal in it. I am still driving it but I know it's damaged. I will [likely] rebuild it at some point. Right now I need to concentrate on making my truck dependable, with minimal down time.
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