Originally Posted by 72c20customcamper
Up to 68 the SS Chevelles were easy to spot vin started with 138 . 69 and up you need paperwork to prove its lineage
I at first thought what the hell is a groat? The realised it was all caps .
Had one weird interaction with a 30 something with my truck. I parked it and a guy standing next to his car a few spots away yells out " thumbs up " without actually doing it . Guess he thought he was on his phone
OK, I went and looked at the Poncho database, and it would appear that I had remembered about a '66 Le Mans that I had, not the '65. '65 doesn't appear to indicate "GTO" by the VIN. But it was a Tempest, so he'd still have been caught out. I don't like it when people cheat...