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Old 11-29-2021, 06:17 PM   #2
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Unhappy Re: Looking for windshield recommendations in northern colorado

You have to find a glass place with some old guys and/or specializes in hot rods. 99% of the windshields most places see are glue in (which is an option on your 70 esp if you have a high end build).
Also, I recommend bringing them a copy of the install instructions from the factory service manual. I don't have one but have seen the page posted on this site before.
I went by my old favorite glass shop the other day to find the guy had retired and sold it. When I told them what I needed the guys said wait a minute, I'll have to get that old guy to help you. There was only one guy left working there who had ever installed a rubber surround window.

It's almost as bad as trying to find someone to tune a carburetor....

Anyway, explain that the windshield has rubber around it and has to be roped in, and you want to make sure they have someone who has done it.

Last edited by cj847; 11-29-2021 at 06:23 PM.
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