Re: Difficulty Inserting & Removing Key
If you have a small fine round file try filing down the points on the key cuts a little bit as in the picture below. It doesn't take much. Try the oddball key first. Also lube the lock.
The reason I don't recommend using graphite is because most people don't know how to use it. It is a good lubricant in small amounts but there is no way to regulate how much you are dispensing from the container. I have disassembled lock cylinders that had so much graphite in them that the key wouldn't slide all the way into the lock. When it gets wet it turns into a gummy mess.
I recommend using something like "ZEP45 with Teflon" or "Blaster Advanced Dry Lube" with Teflon. They contain a dry lube but it is micro fine particles. I find that the Blaster works the best for locks.
Just my 2¢ worth. (with 44 years of experience)
Last edited by LockDoc; 01-15-2022 at 10:52 PM.