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Old 01-18-2022, 11:45 PM   #14
The Older Generation

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Re: Difficulty Inserting & Removing Key

Originally Posted by cericd View Post
I noticed that my new can of B'laster Advanced Dry Lube doesn't say "with Teflon." I figured maybe they left it off because Teflon is a brand and maybe they had switched to the generic P.T.F.E. so, I decided to call the company and ask. Turns out that it no longer contains Teflon or P.T.F.E. I asked why that was and the guy said "due to all the Teflon lawsuits, our lawyers recommended that we get rid of it." He said it now contains something called H.D.P.E. Amide Wax and that it will perform just as well as the previous version.

I looked online for locksmith approved lock lubes and one that kept showing up is Tri-Flow Superior Lubricant - Formulated with P.T.F.E. However, I noticed that it is not listed as a "dry" lubricant.

Leon, are you familiar with this product? Would it be a good bet to use in my sticky ignition cylinder?

I had a can of Tri-Flow years ago but I bought a can of ZEP45 when that ran out because I couldn't find the Tri-Flow. I don't think I had the "Superior" though. I know the manufacturers change the formula every once in a while. Usually it is to make it cheaper to produce....

I would spray a little of the Blaster on your finger and rub them together until it dries and see how it feels If it feels slippery without leaving any heavy residue go ahead and use a little of it in the ignition.


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