Originally Posted by kwmech
I like it, does it still work off the factory switch
I installed a Newport engineering motor and switch so on this Blazer I just grounded the pump at the bracket and ran the power wire off the switch (actually using Dakota digital gauges so I repurposed the temp gauge wire) to the pump. The electrical has been tested and works perfectly.
On a factory motor the two wires that would normally go to the factory pump would need to be brought out of the passenger compartment to the tank mounted pump. Those are female connections inside the connector. You could just crimp on some male connectors and push them into the factory connector and not cut or alter your factory wiring. The factory wiring uses a constant hot and switches the ground. The pump does not care which gets switched so it would work. My only concern would be a constant hot wire going to the pump. It is fused through the wiper circuit so if there was a short or overload it would be protected.