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Old 01-27-2022, 11:21 AM   #11
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Re: Washer pump on washer tank installation

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
Here is a visual on the external pump hookup. Unhook this Brown connector from the washer/wiper and connect the Positive wire from the new pump to the Yellow side and Black wire to the Dark Blue side. I would wrap some electrical tape around the connector after the hookup.....

To add to this I just wanted to show an easy way to make connections to the factory wiring without cutting anything. The connectors I’m picturing are the ones that are used in the block that protrudes through the firewall that the engine and lighting harnesses plug into. You could also use just a standard male stake on connector but I couldn’t find any at the moment. The connectors I am showing in the picture are a Packard style connector.

To minimize any chance of shorting anything out I would put a piece of heat shrink right up to the end of the connector that would be sticking out. Or as LockDoc suggested at least tape it up.

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