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Old 03-01-2022, 04:18 AM   #1
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Putting later seat cover on '68 bench seat...

Looking to get my factory '68 c10 bench seat re-upholstered with a new cover. I like the houndstooth pattern of the later seats and while there are notes in the LMC catalog saying the later seat covers work with any year bench seat, I also saw that 67-68 seat foam is different than 69-72.

Can anyone confirm that I can use a later cover on an earlier factory seat? If the foam is different (thinner from what I gather), I don't understand how they can all fit (but I also don't see any covers listed for just 67-68).

If anyone can suggest a manufacturer/vendor, I would appreciate it as well (using a search function brings up Truck World but it appears he is no longer selling them). I see Brothers has the blue houndstooth in stock, but don't know what makes the ones they sell.

Last edited by AllGoNoShow; 03-01-2022 at 04:25 AM.
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