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Old 03-03-2022, 09:51 AM   #11
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Re: Putting later seat cover on '68 bench seat...

Originally Posted by AllGoNoShow View Post
I think I've worked my way through this, but there is seemingly a lot of conflicting opinions. I did call USA1 interiors and they said that the 67-68 covers are the exact same dimensions as the 69-72 (which is in conflict of what some say here), its just the 67-68 covers don't have the additional small piece that covers the hinges where the seat back attaches to the bottom. Also, the vendors/manufactuers claim the bottom cushions are the same from 67-72 (contrary to what is said here), and that the reason for different part numbers is because the back foam is vastly differently between 67-68 and 69-72 as already mentioned. PUI even lists the same part number cushion bottom for all the years.

I've continually heard good things about USA1 and there current lead times are better than anyone else, so I'm going to give them a try. My stock foam may be acceptable, but I'm just going to buy the OER foam to have on-hand, which is half the price of some of the other options. I'm 6'3 and can't afford to have a super stiff seat that pushes me into the headliner!
If you do get foam, I suggest CJ Pony, that’s where I got mine. It wasn’t stiff. And CJ Pony offers free shipping.
That’s the info I got also, that the foam is the same. And the covers are the same, except for the back. But your right, it seems conflicting by what others are saying. I only wish I had both seats and both foams, then I would have been able to compare them for myself. But where I got the info about everything I stated in the above post came from a pretty reliable source, they haven’t been wrong yet on anything.
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