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Old 03-04-2022, 12:24 PM   #21
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Re: Putting later seat cover on '68 bench seat...

Originally Posted by pjmoreland View Post
Here's a measurement of an American Cushion 67/68 foam and a USA1 cover on a 67/68 frame. It's about 9-1/2" tall at the tallest point. The cover does have a foam pad sewn to the inside of it. I don't remember how thick it is, but it's probably in the range of 1/2" to 1". I discarded the original foam because mice had been living in the seat, and I didn't think to take measurements of it. If anyone reading this has an original full-foam-bottomed 67-68 seat, it would be great if you could take the same measurement for comparison.
The seat on my '68 is missing the cover but the foam on the passenger side is in fairly good shape. It measures just over 8", maybe 8-1/8" at the highest point.
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