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Old 05-08-2022, 07:53 AM   #15
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Re: Torn on what to do..

Originally Posted by Caddylackn View Post
I see nothing wrong with that, it sounds like a perfect situation. It needs nothing to use it and although not perfect, it doesn't bug you. If it was your only car and you had to drive it everyday, you would be sick of it, every little quirk would bug you, and you would soon wish you had a newer vehicle.
Things to do:

Buy a cheap camper for it, or a little fishing boat to tow. Go out and do an overnight camp, explore.

Throw an inflatable mattress in the back and take it to a drive in movie.

Throw a cheap dirt bike in the back (or bicycle) and go to an RV Park or trail.

Help move a friend with it.

Go to a local auto show, park it, and chat with the other pick up owners.

Once a year, buy something new for the truck and install it.

Maybe take it to the local 1/4 or 1/8 track and see what she will do....I bet you are the only one with the three on the tree speed shifting gears. Should get you lots of street cred.

Take it to a sporting event, get there early and tailgate. Drop the tail gate down and BBQ....

Go to a Chevy truck forum event or swap meet..

Parking lot donuts at an abandoned box store...

Get a new seat cover, panels, and new carpet. It will seem like a new truck inside..
Great list of ideas! I second the notion. Invent reasons to drive your truck. You sound very practical but some things are good to have just because we enjoy them.

I'll add to the list, one that I'm working on for myself:

Pick one meal for takeout on the weekends and go get it in your truck.

Find something around your house that you'd like to replace or touch up a little bit and take it to the hardware store to get what you need. Don't stay long, because that's where people are losing tailgates and catalytic converters although you won't have a cat probably.

If you're married or have a girlfriend, ask what's on her errand list and offer to take care of one of the errands.

Get on Google maps and look for parks you've never been to, and visit one each weekend you don't have something else to do in the truck.

Look for local shows and drive your truck to the show, even if you don't show it.

Go through your phone and find people you haven't seen in a while, tell them you're taking your truck out for a spin and see if you can stop by and say howdy.

I like to use a truck to make the boring stuff more fun. Don't say this to the people you visit in it ; )
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