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Old 05-08-2022, 09:53 AM   #17
purple gas
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Re: Torn on what to do..

I've had a 67 for 15 or so years. Bought as a shell, it's been running & driving for a long time but I'd maybe burn a tank of gas a year, if that.
Last spring my daily driver truck blew up.
I wasn't in a panic to replace it and the used vehicle market here is pretty high.
I bided my time waiting for a good deal and drove the 67 until the snow came.
I really enjoyed the old girl.
If you get in the habit of driving your truck, even if just on weekends ( Keep the keys in your pocket, park it where it's convenient to jump in & go ) you might find you drive it more.
You'll probably get a lot of thumbs up and compliments in parking lots too.
I got a bench seat baby, you don't have to sit over there.
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