It was raining today so all outside tasks were put on hold.
A few weeks ago I switched out my Heater controls in my 70.
Should have been real easy, but it turned into a two-day task, when I broke the fan control arm knob off.

Anyway I got that fixed and with advice from other members, I clean and lubed everything up.

Anyway, I realized I needed to clean and lube the Heater Door.
Easier said than done.

I took off the tire, unbolted the inner fender, (an all day task when dealing with 52year old fasteners)and gained access to the Door control. It literally takes 2 minutes to clean and lube it at that point.

While I have it all apart, I took a few other brackets off cleaned them, and gave them a coat of black paint.
Tomorrow, I put it all back together. My plan is to take the old girl out for Sunday afternoon drive.