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Old 06-21-2022, 09:01 AM   #13
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Re: To powder or not to powder?

Thanks for the info on the Medallion Rubberseal. It is a "new to me" product.
Sounds like a great option. POR-15 is another option that I could have done in my shop as it requires no spraying. Many of my friends use this option with great results.

I am unable to spray paint in my shop, so the frame has to go somewhere to get cleaned/finished.
Just so happens getting it blasted and painted was more expensive than the Powder Coating shop that did the work. Portland Powder Coating is where my frame was done.
Where they really shined was on the front cross-member. It was oil soaked like they all are. They cooked the part in a 900 deg oven. All the petroleum products get backed off. Then they blast and coat. The interior of the cross-member looks just like the outside. Difficult to duplicate with spray paint. Typical paint and/or sandblast shops do not have this ability in house while many powder coating shops do.

To the original poster point, to paint or powder coat? Powder coating the frame seems like the best option for him. It costs a lot of money to restore a truck and if you can powder coat for no cost it would be the top option in my book.
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