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Old 07-24-2022, 09:49 PM   #3
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Re: What is the most common interior color?

Technically speaking, nobody knows what the most common interior color actually ordered was. I'd agree with jimjam that it was most likely black - because black was recommended for all paint colors (except 506 dk olive according to the data book, for some weird reason - it could of course be special ordered though).

Nobody can really answer the most desirable/most sought interior color question because nobody knows - every buyer will have different tastes, as will each person that might try to answer your question. I think black is sought for mere commonality if a buyer wants to change paint colors - but non-black colors tend to be viewed as a bit more unique/special (my 2 cents only). I guess if you want to boil it down to what interior colors were offered with the top-of-the-line trim level of the Cheyenne Super, it was only blue, olive, and parchment for options - nothing else (for bench seats).
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