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Old 08-29-2022, 09:48 AM   #1
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Posts: 52
Trim/Body line question

Just got my truck back from getting the rockers replaced, cab corners and a few places in the floor fixed. Anyway, looks like my cab corner sits a little lower than my door which throws the body line off. If I adjust the door, it will end up making the alignment off with the front fender (door and fender line up good right now). I plan on using the 67/68 trim on this truck.
I'll have to raise the trim on the cab corner a little higher than the body line on the cab corner to make it align with the rest of the truck trim. Is that doable or will it just not look right? I don't have the trim at the moment to test it out with. Not going to be a show truck, but I at least want it to look right.
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