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Old 09-15-2022, 06:25 PM   #10
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Re: Truck Purchase and Shipping- Need Advice

i have been buying cars,trucks and Harleys in the states and western Canada for 40 years.i've wired deposits and driven to them to haul them home,sent payment in full and flown to them to drive them home,just about any scenario you can imagine, then this last truck i bought was in Utah and couldn't go get it with the Canada/US borders closed with covid so i told the seller,i'd buy it,send the payment in full(i'd bought from him before) but he'd have to keep the truck til i could come get it.that was fine for a while til he called and said it had to go,he needed room.i had it hauled home with Cruise Control Car Carriers,a broker and there are all kinds of horror stories about brokers but this guy was bang cost what he said it would, had it moving and delivered when he said he would.i've been fortunate as this leaves a fella in a bad way if you're dealing with a crook from far away.i love the road trips,always an adventure so go for it if you're comfortable,or find a reliable shipper and maybe avoid some trouble on the drive home.
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