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Old 08-10-2004, 10:12 PM   #2
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Here is a write up in the FAQ section. It should explain any other questions you have...all but the one you just asked.
You can go to the junk yard, and cut a long section off of a stock GM HEI. I like hitting up the Caddys for this. With the dist up front, there is a much longer lead to be cut off. Clean it up and hook the other end to the fuse box, and you have a stock looking connector on the dist.
However, all you need is a length of wire and a couple femail spaid connectors...the crimp on varety. You can get them at wall mart/parts store, however, I recomend the ones with heat shrink tubing on them. You can get these at NAPA. They cost a bit more, but they are 10 times better than the cheaper parts house junk.
I like putting red wires on the power, and green on the tach personally...just becouse red is always power, and tachometers always have a green lead for the coil. But that's just me.
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