Thread: Just WHY?!?
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Old 04-06-2023, 06:05 AM   #9
Special Order

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Re: Just WHY?!?

I believe a very intelligent person can be more arrogant than ones of lesser intelligence when it comes to being considerate of the needs of others, such as buying gas.

I get gas at maybe the last place that lets cash customers pump first. Definitely none left the closer you get to the suburbs and city. so I pump my gas and start walking to go inside to pay and this butthead takes a break from his phone long enough to slide his power window down and bursts out with, "Hey! Where are you going?!". I point toward the door and say, "Paying for my gas".

If I ran the roads, I'd find a dirt road, softer yet, less traffic. Cross-country runners run on the ground. They say running is hard on your joints, period. That's why I can't run anymore.
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