Thread: Just WHY?!?
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Old 04-06-2023, 12:11 PM   #21
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Re: Just WHY?!?

Then there is this phenomenon going on lately. Somebody is coming up to an intersection or a driveway where they are going to make a turn--be it right or left. Signaling is optional, but before they finally make the turn after slowing down for a block they turn the vehicle in the complete opposite direction before swinging it around in the direction they want to turn like they have a 40' trailer behind them. It's like the steering wheel will only move a 1/4 turn or something. I've seen the same thing in a parking lot where the lanes are tight. Instead of making a tight turn they'll swing all the way over to the opposite side almost skinning the bumper of the parked cars on the other side of the lane.
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