It's all two lane roads up here, no signals. Almost everyone speeds. I speed faster than I'd like sometimes just not to be in the way and have no problem using the turnouts to let some Dale Jr. wannabe go past me.
But not everyone does that. I've seen slowpokes with a line of cars stacking up behind them. I've seen sheriff's get on their loudspeaker and tell cars to either speed up or get out of the way. That's what the turnouts are for.
The only exception I see is someone towing a heavy trailer. They can't go too fast or easily pull over.
I was driving with a sheriff in front of me and the guy in front of him was going kinda slow. You could tell he was spooked by the sheriff behind him. But he was driving even worse trying not to get pulled over. I'm sure the cop knew it too because he passed him.
I know the feeling but mine was different. I was going 110 mph which I never do but it was a long straight stretch of road and I had my Corvette, nobody around. Eh. WTH let's see what this baby can do. I found out what it could do...It can do 110 and get a sheriff on your rear bumper going just as fast as you are.

I wasn't nervous. Too late for that. I had already been caught red handed. I waited for the lights to go on. They never did. He let me go.

I guess he figured just another old guy who's inner teenager got the best of him.