Thread: Just WHY?!?
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Old 04-08-2023, 08:08 AM   #40
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Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
Why do people drop someone off and wait directly in front of the doors where, oh I dunno, EVERYBODY needs to walk??

I've been walking across to the store entrance, a car comes up without yielding to me, pulls across my path, and sits there while his wife gets out. Even in the rain. I have slapped a rear quarter with my hand more than one. Only once did the driver get out and say something. Yes it's asking for trouble, same as they did. I can handle it.
This is the reason why I brought this up,, the cars do have the right to use this street in front of these entrances and exits ,and so do the people at the store,, it causes a stand off as to when can a car can get through when a steady line of people are coming and going across this street in front of the store...frustrating to both ,, a redesign of the parking lot would resolve this problem
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