Originally Posted by Richard
I have experienced many of these things myself. These days people do what is best for them. It is what is taught to the mass. Never surprised anymore with any action of a person. There are no set rules anymore on anything, always an exception.
its all the DEfensive driving shtick. people need to drive OFfensively, and not offensively in the offending definition, offensively in the opposite of defense.
and that doesnt even mean to barge around like the road is yours. what i mean by it, the way i told my daughters and the way i drive myself is that YOU are responsible for making sure you dont end up dead because someone else was stupid. leave yourself and "out" in traffic and use it with prejudice if someone does something idiotic. know the rules for intersections and be ready to change those rules as suited for someone doing something stupid. know where you are going, if you are going around a long corner look between the trees as far as you can see ahead because thats where you can do something about your trajectory and speed, certainly not the 20 ft in front of you that most people look. go to a parking lot and find the limits of your tires, your brakes, your cornering, to know the capability of your car as well as you can.
people want to say that is driving defensively but its not, not by todays current definition. defensive driving today is more about eddying around on the road, using small avoidance moves any time someone breaks your protective cordon you have around your car. stabbing brake and then accelerator in a herky jerky chinese dragon-esque motion even on the highway. gripping the wheel and swerving around in everyone elses way like no one else exists. using the lane detection/obstacle detection/automatic braking features so you can surf the internet freely while steering with one hand. thats the current defensive driving lessons.
did you know that texting and driving kills more teenagers than any other cause? that it has so many names, distracted driving, inattentive driving, reckless endangerment, that its impossible to put them all together as a single statistic. i would guess if they had a "texting and driving" only ticket that it would skyrocket in count to the highest killer of any age group.
driving can be pleasurable but its also piloting (at least) 2 tons of steel.