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Old 07-06-2023, 09:39 PM   #8
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Re: Does this new master cylinder look correct?

Thanks, that's a helpful set of pics! Yes, I do believe your original would have had a non-adjustable intermediate pushrod and a shallow bore mc - and that someone has likely installed an adjustable pushrod when they changed out the mc before (so someone has already gone thru exactly what you're going thru now). But then again, who knows... (maybe someone else has an original setup just like this?? - all the intermediate pushrods I've seen from the factory were non-adjustable, but could just be the trucks I've owned)

So, you may be ok - just do some careful measuring to see if the adjustable pushrod will extend "almost" all the way into the bore. If it does, you're probably just fine and I'd press on with the mc you have now. If you have everything adjusted as far out as it can go and still have a good amount left before it bottoms out in the bore (like 1/4"-1/2"-ish??) then you may want to re-wicker this setup to use a correct mc and intermediate rod. My guess is that if your brakes worked before and you're just doing a brake job, you'll be just fine with what you have (i.e. if previous mc and new mc were both deep bore and the previous one worked, then that means your intermediate rod is probably already well-adjusted. But I'd still measure just to make sure - and it might be a good idea to measure the pushrod when the engine is running and vac source attached to booster - without brake pedal applied. I don't know if idle vac signal results in minor reposition of the pushrod compared with no vac signal off the top of my head).
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