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Old 07-25-2023, 10:34 AM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2022
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Posts: 713
Re: Aux Battery Tray

Nothing Special. Cardboard to make a rough template. Cut 4 pieces off the hood. 2 sides, bottom and the small hold down. I used a small piece of angle for the mount for the removable hold down so it had more stiffness. Cut with a small cutoff wheel. Bent with a Harbor Freight 30" Brake. It was surprisingly simple once I quit over thinking and just did the work. Oh and a second piece of angle about a foot long to create a better more rigid mount on the radiator support behind the headlights. Bending over the leading edge of the sides gave a more finished look and added some strength. My lifetime of collecting tools makes these sort of projects fun and inexpensive. I drove a desk all my working life so being able to work with my hands is a welcome change.
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