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Old 04-17-2024, 11:33 AM   #1
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wing/vent windows won't latch

This is a '69 c10 pu.
It's been apart for a long while and I don't remember where I got the rubbers.

I installed new glass, new rubber, and new latch assy.
I don't have the old parts to compare.

It's most likely parts from LMC, but not sure.

The window closes and looks to be sealed to the rubber, but it will not latch.
It looks like I need to grind 1/4" from the back of the non-locking latch.
right and left wings look the same and won't latch.

I tried to force one closed hoping the rubber would relax, but the latch pivot broke.

I've read several threads and not found this same issue.....
Do I need to order a specific vendor's rubber? Or am missing something?

1969 c-10 short/wide/6L LS swap
1964 k10 suburban project
1964 Falcon sedan delivery rescue project
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